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Ada and Olia tourist scrapbook

Guide to the Ada and Olia tourist scrapbook

Collection number: HMC-0880.
Creator: Ada, Olia.
Title: Ada and Olia tourist scrapbook.
Date: 1947.
Volume of collection: 0.5 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials entirely in English.
Collection summary: A scrapbook created by two Texas tourists who traveled to Southeast Alaska in 1947 by automobile and steamship.

Biographical note:
In the summer of 1947, Ada and Olia (last names unknown), two older women from Houston, Texas, took an automobile trip from Texas to Southeast Alaska and back. Their three month, 8,388 mile trip took them through Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, Southeast Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. From Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the women took a steamship tour of the Inside Passage on the Princess Adelaide to Ketchikan.

Collection description:
The collection contains the original scrapbook and pages including handwritten travel descriptions, photographs, photo post cards and clippings.  Photographic materials include 142 original black and white prints, 52 black and white and color photo post cards, and 28 small black and white commercial tourist prints. Subjects of the postcards and original photographs include: friends and relatives, Ketchikan (Alaska), and various sites in Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, British Columbia, Washington, and California. Subjects of the commercial tourist prints include: the Black Hills and the Bad Lands of South Dakota; and Mount Edith Cavell Drive, British Columbia.

Arrangement: The collection retains the original scrapbook order.

Alternative formats: A xerographic copy of the scrapbook is available.

Access restrictions: As some of the original materials are in poor condition, Archives staff may limit researcher access to the xerographic copy.

Rights note: The Archives does not hold copyright to the materials in this collection.

Preferred citation: Ada and Olia tourist scrapbook, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was acquired from internet auction by the Archives in 2006.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey A. Sinnott in 2007.

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