Monthly Archives: July 2015

Looking for Journal Titles

If you are looking for specific journal titles and would like to know:

a) Do we have a specific journal?

b) In what format do we have the journal (in print or online)?

c) What is the coverage of the journal?

d) What journals do we have within certain subject areas?

…then you can use the Journal Titles finder on the Consortium Library website. Go to Journal Titles in the main box and then type in your journal title or search by subject for a list of titles.

Tip: If the journal that you are looking for is in online format, you will be able to see what databases the journal is in and link directly to it.

Have you tried Google Scholar yet?

Google Scholar is another way to search for scholarly literature across multiple disciplines from one place.  Google Scholar finds articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites.

And the most important thing! Be sure to access Google Scholar through the library’s homepage to turn on “Check Library for Full Text,” a value-added feature that will identify if the item is in the library’s print and/or electronic collection.

The best way to get there is to select “Databases” from the library homepage, and choose “G” from the alphabetical list.