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Jerome Sheldon papers

Guide to the Jerome Sheldon papers

Collection number: HMC-0220.
Creator: Sheldon, Jerome F.
Title: Jerome Sheldon papers.
Dates: 1922-1995.
Volume of collection: 2.8 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Subject files, research materials, and articles of a newspaperman and free-lance writer.

Biographical note:
Jerome Sheldon first came to Alaska in 1942 with the U.S. Army’s 18th Engineer Regiment. He worked on the building of the Alaska Highway and also helped build an air base on Shemya Island in the Aleutians. After the war, Sheldon was a newspaperman in Oregon and California. He moved to Fairbanks in 1954, where he was news editor of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. After two years he moved to Anchorage and became the public relations officer for the Alaska Railroad. Sheldon later returned to the Fairbanks newspaper as night editor, while also running an Alaska clipping service. He later became involved with newspapers in Ketchikan, Juneau, and Palmer. Sheldon left Alaska in 1979. He has since written free-lance articles on Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

Collection description:
This collection consists of the writing papers of journalist Jerome F. Sheldon. These include correspondence, photographs, drafts, research notes, and articles primarily concerning Alaska and northern topics.

Arrangement: The collection is divided into two series.
Series 1: Writing subject files; 1922-1994 (bulk: 1954-1973)
Series 2: Alaska historical writing files; 1941-1994

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives holds copyright to collection materials authored by Jerome Sheldon.

Preferred citation: Jerome Sheldon papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Separated materials: Some publications were transferred to the Rare Books collection.

Acquisition note: The initial portion of the collection was given to the Consortium Library in 1978 and transferred to the Archives in 1979. Four additions were made between 1983 and 1997. A deed of gift was signed in 1986.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 1998, including interfiling materials from additions and creating new folders for subject areas that had not existed in the original accession. In 2013, the guide was reformatted to current standards by Arlene Schmuland. Published materials and unannotated clippings were removed from the collection. Duplicate series were combined.

Container list:
Series 1: Writing subject files; 1922-1994 (bulk: 1954-1973). 2.0 cubic feet.
This series consists of documents created, received, and collected by Jerome Sheldon. Files include correspondence, news releases, photographs, articles, notes and other items related to his journalism career.  Very similar types of material may also be found in series 2. This series is arranged in two groupings of subject files: Alaska-related files and non-Alaska related files. The subject files are in alphabetical order by subject within those groupings.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Air Service-Alaska Northwest: news release. 1964
1/2 Alaska/Aleutians/Northwest Passage, ice-breaking oil tanker S.S. Manhattan between New York and Prudhoe Bay via a Northwest Passage, Arctic Ocean route: news release. 1970
1/3 Alaska Coalition Brochure. undated
1/4 Alaska Railroad: correspondence, articles, and photographs. undated, 1954
1/5 Alaska Steamship Company: menus from S.S. Baranof. 1954
1/6 Albro, Gregory: correspondence and photographs. 1967-1969
1/7 Amchitka: correspondence, news releases, articles, outlines, interview questions, and photographs. 1965, 1971
1/8 Anchorage Times: correspondence, article, and photographs. 1965-1966
1/9 Arctic Health Research Center: correspondence and article. 1973
1/10 Arctic ice: correspondence. 1969
1/11 Army (U.S.) in Alaska: correspondence and article. 1960
1/12 Aviation in Alaska: correspondence, articles, receipt, and speeches. 1954-1961
1/13 BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Warning Site): correspondence, news releases, articles, photograph, and information sheet. 1960-1961
1/14 Jimmy Bedford: Correspondence and memorial materials concerning photojournalist and world traveler Jimmy Bertch Bedford. Also includes a memorial program for Magnus Colcord Heurlin. 1986-1990
1/15 Big Delta: correspondence, photographs. 1961
1/16 Bison problem in Alaska: correspondence, articles, and receipt. 1961
1/17 Borough government: correspondence and articles. 1959-1960
1/18 Bowman, Willard: correspondence, report, and photographs. 1963-1965
1/19 Breakup at Nenana: correspondence. 1961
1/20 Canada access through the Alaska panhandle: correspondence, news release, speech, and photographs. 1956-1966
1/21 Canada, general: correspondence, article, speeches, photograph, conference invitation, working notes, itinerary, and check stub. 1959-1964
1/22 Cassiar region mines: photograph. undated
1/23 Centennial-Alaska: correspondence, article, photograph, agenda, and check stub. 1962-1964
1/24 Centennial-Alaska: press packet. 1967
1/25 Chamber of Commerce conventions: news releases, articles, speeches, certificate, and registration list. 1960, 1964
1/26 Chariot project (AEC atomic harbor): correspondence, news releases and articles. 1960-1963
1/27 Christian Science Monitor: correspondence. 1961
1/28 Churches in Alaska: correspondence, notes, articles, invitation and receipt. 1961-1964
1/29 Coast Guard in Alaska: news releases and photographs. 1977
1/30 Construction: articles. 1961-1962
1/31 Court system-Alaska: correspondence and articles. 1963
1/32 Curling: correspondence and articles. 1962
1/33 Current clips regarding local elections. 1963-1964
1/34 Davis, General Jefferson C.: correspondence. 1965-1966
1/35 Dawson: photographs, ticket stubs and expenses. 1974
1/36 Dawson Festival: correspondence, news releases, articles, and publicity materials 1961-1962
1/37 Dog sled races: correspondence and articles. 1954-1963
1/38 Edmonton Journal: correspondence. 1961
1/39 Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway: photographs, blueprint, receipts, railway documents. 1922-1977
1/40 Fairbanks: correspondence. 1953-1965
1/41 Fairbanks city government: correspondence. 1960-1966
1/42 Fairbanks News-Miner file to Newsweek: correspondence, articles, and transparencies. 1961, 1984
1/43 Federal agencies-Alaska: correspondence. 1962
1/44 Ferry-Alaska: new release, report, photographs and poster. 1962-1963
1/45 Ferry inaugural-Alaska: correspondence. 1963
1/46 Freelance correspondence. 1970
1/47 Geophysical Institute-UAF: correspondence. 1964
1/48 Gold mining: correspondence and articles. 1960-1961
1/49 Hickel, Walter J.: article. undated
1/50 Highway-Alaska: correspondence, International Conference on Paving the Highway documents, recording, and photographs. 1956-1967
1/51 Highway development in Alaska and Canada: articles. 1961
1/52 Hunting polar bear in Alaska: article. undated
1/53 Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada: correspondences, articles, itinerary, notes and photographs. 1960-1973
1/54 Jessen’s Weekly-history: article, correspondence and photograph. 1960-1969
1/55 Job opportunities in Alaska: correspondence. 1979
1/56 Journalism in Alaska: memorandum. 1963
1/57 Journalistic interests: correspondence. 1970-1974
1/58 Kennecott, Alaska: correspondence and articles. 1955
1/59 Kennecott Mining: biographical sketch. undated
1/60 Kodiak, Alaska: correspondence. 1973
1/61 Lufthansa Airlines and Haines-Fairbanks pipelin: correspondence, news releases, notes and photographs. 1963-1964
1/62 Mangieri, Nicholas: notes and correspondence. 1975-1976
1/63 Marine Highway-Alaska: correspondence and photographs. undated, 1962
1/64 Matanuska Valley colony: article 1985
1/65 McKinley Park: correspondence, article, and newsletter 1954, 1961, 1967
1/66 Metlakatla fish traps: article, outlines, Annette Islands Canning Company statistics. undated, 1962
1/67 Military developments: article, notes, and annotated pamphlet. 1959, 1962
1/68 Mining: Standard Metals Corporation report, mining exploration companies list. undated
1/69 Morritt, Hope: notes and correspondence. 1984-1985
1/70 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): correspondence, news release, reports, and photograph. 1963-1966
2/1 Native affairs (including Tundra Times and Project Chariot): correspondence and articles. 1961-1965
2/2 Natural gas development: articles. 1961
2/3 Natural resources: news releases, speeches. 1968-1969
2/4 New city in Alaska (climate controlled city: concept): press release, artist renderings. 1970
2/5 Newsweek magazine, suggested articles: articles, dog sled race photograph negatives, and mailers. 1962-1964
2/6 Newsweek and New York Times stringer: files and correspondence. 1963-1964
2/7 Nome, Alaska and relations with Siberia: correspondence. Correspondents include Albro G. Gregory, Mead Treadwell, and Jim Stimpfle. 1969-1994
2/8 North American Water and Power Alliance: correspondence, news releases, and notes. 1964-1965
2/9 The Northern Forum: correspondence. 1993
2/10 Northern Report: correspondence. 1962
2/11 Northern Resources Conference (Whitehorse, Yukon Territory): booklet, delegate list, paper. 1963
2/12 Nuclear reactor plant at Fort Greely: correspondence and articles. 1961
2/13 Oil: article. 1972
2/14 Oil-Alaska, Arctic, and Canada: correspondence, articles and FAA report. 1969-1974
2/15 Oil development: articles. 1961-1964
2/16 Pacific Northwest Trade Association: news releases, speeches, and conference materials. 1959
2/17 Pearson-News Miner libel suit: memorandum opinion, comments, and correspondence. 1964
2/18 Pinkerton, Jim: photographs. undated
2/19 Pioneers of Alaska: Correspondence, photographs, and articles. 1962
2/20 Pipeline, Alaska oil: correspondence. 1972
2/21 Politics, 1962-1963 state election: correspondence, articles, and photographs. 1962-1963
2/22 Politics, 1964: articles and correspondence. 1964
2/23 Postal Service to Alaska: correspondence, articles and notes. 1961
2/24 Pribilof Islands: correspondence. 1965
2/25 Provincial Archives, British Columbia: copied historical photographs. 1966
2/26 Railroad Alaska: correspondence, statements, and share certificate. 1954
2/27 Rampart Dam: correspondence, news releases, articles, statements, and photographs. 1960-1966
2/28 Rabinowitz-Alaska Justice: correspondence and article. 1965
2/29 Railbelt Reporter: correspondence. 1956
2/30 Religion in Alaska: correspondence, articles and notes. 1960-1961
2/31 Rescue operations: correspondence and article. 1961
2/32 Schools, Alaska public: correspondence and articles. 1961-1964
2/33 Seward House: correspondence. 1966
2/34 Sheldon, Jerome: correspondence and photographs. 1962-1970
2/35 Ships-Alaska cruise: news releases and photograph. 1976
2/36 Sitka, Alaska: photograph. 1966
2/37 Skagway, Alaska: correspondence and article. 1973-1974
2/38 Space Council: talk transcripts. 1964-1965
2/39 Statehood campaign—Constitutional Convention: correspondence, 1956-1966
2/40 Timber industry: correspondence, article and news release. 1962
2/41 Times (Anchorage Times), statehood: correspondence. 1958
2/42 Tourism, Alaska Highway and marine: correspondence and news releases 1973
2/43 Trans-Alaska telephones (for Newsweek): correspondence, notes, news releases, photographs, statements, and receipts. 1961
2/44 Tundra Times: correspondence, news releases, and articles. 1961-1964
2/45 United Nations: article. undated
2/46 University of Alaska: correspondence, news releases, articles 1960-1963
2/47 Urban renewal: correspondence and articles. 1960-1964, 1973
2/48 Wall Street Journal: correspondence and articles. 1955
2/49 Ward, Clarke: AP wire. 1965
2/50 Whaling: article. 1978
2/51 Wildlife Range-Alaska: articles. 1960
2/52 Yukon Resources Conference: reports program, talks, and article. 1963
2/53 Yank, the Army Weekly: correspondence. 1943-1945
2/54 Automobile and effect on transit: article. undated
2/55 Automobile ownership: articles. undated
2/56 British travel-1972 vacation: correspondence, notes and receipts. 1972
2/57 Business page feature: article. 1967
2/58 Chiang-Kai-Shek: article, text of address by Madame Chiang Kai Shek, photograph. 1966
2/59 Economics: press release. 1955
2/60 Free-lance: correspondence. 1967, 1970
2/61 German grammar class: correspondence and notes. 1967
2/62 German National Tourist office: correspondence. 1967
2/63 Glassboro, New Jersey conference: articles. undated
2/64 Hippies: article. undated
2/65 Journalistic interests: correspondence. 1965, 1976
2/66 Maritime relics: photograph and news release. 1970
2/67 Merchant Marine Library Association, American: correspondence, article, and photographs. 1969
2/68 Nevada: tickets and notes. undated, 1971
2/69 New Shakespeare Company (San Francisco): correspondence, notes, and articles. 1968
2/70 Paine, Tom production: article. 1968
2/71 Palo Alto Times: articles. undated
2/72 Pedestrian safety: correspondence. undated
2/73 Rail travel-passengers: correspondence. 1967
2/74 Railroads, excursion: article. undated
2/75 Railroads, passenger: correspondences, news release, articles, photographs, and ticket stubs. 1966-1976
2/76 Space program, Soviet, US: article. 1970
2/77 Standard Oil Company (New Jersey): correspondence, news releases, notes. 1969
2/78 Theater-San Francisco: correspondence, notes, articles, ticket stubs, and news releases. 1968-1970

Series 2: Alaska historical writing files; 1941-1994. 0.8 cubic feet.
This series contains materials related to book-length projects and articles. It includes drafts, correspondence, research materials, notes, and other writing-related materials. Mostly arranged by project.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/1 History of Alaska manuscript: correspondence, drafts, research notes. 1965-1966
3/2 Early British Columbia: research notes. undated
3/3 Collins Overland Telegraph and Transatlantic Cable: correspondence and research notes. 1985
3/4 Western Union Telegraph extension to Alaska and Siberia: correspondence and research notes. 1986
3/5 Siberia-Alaska: research notes. undated
3/6 Harriman, Edward H., Alaska and Japan expeditions: correspondence and research notes. 1985
3/7-8 Russian Alaska and Alaska purchase: research notes. undated
3/9 Railroads in Alaska: research notes. undated
3/10-4/1 Alaska Highway, “Father of the Alaska Highway, Donald MacDonald II”: research notes, correspondence, manuscript drafts, photographs 1982-1993
4/2 Eighteenth Engineers regiment: Jerome Sheldon’s personal military documents, correspondence, and research notes. 1941-1992
4/3 US Army in Canada during World War II: research notes. undated
4/4 Canol project: correspondence. 1981, 1985
4/5 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: correspondence. 1987-1988
4/6-7 Siberian Gateway Project and Nome-Provideniya friendship flights: correspondence, notes, and article drafts. 1985-1989
4/8 Hochelaga Research Institute, Montreal: correspondence. 1986-1989
4/9 Scott Polar Research Institute/Polar Record: correspondence and article drafts. 1987-1989
4/10 Bering Strait Tunnel/Interhemispheric Bering Strait Tunnel and Railroad group: correspondence, article draft, and notes. 1992-1995
4/11 Polar explorer stamps: correspondence, news releases, and notes. 1986
4/12 Arctic Ocean islands settlement agreement: correspondence and notes. 1988-1990

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